In addition, quest completion status can be shown in the tooltips for quest items and monsters. If you find an Addon that has a broken download link or This adds a detailed Quest Tracker, Mini-map Waypoints and Kill Zones to complete objectives. MoveAnything enables you to move, scale, hide and adjust transparency of just about any screen element in WoW, offering tools to help you customize your UI. When you have earned the class trait from completing the deed or quest, you can then check the box and easily pick which ones to do next.

Commands: Typing /eab or /eabmove in-game shows a movable box for 15 seconds allowing you to place it anywhere on the screen. I'm wondering if there's a way to make the quest tracker movable? I already installed the addon "Move anything" but am still not able to move the quest tracker panel around. The latest version of this addon is and was uploaded on at 06:32. If you find an Addon that has a broken download link or Bartender 4. I had one of these addond in 7.3.0 Official, but i can't find any for 3.3.5.

I’m not sure if that would be possible to add in Jahwo’s addon, but if it’s possible, there would be no question which of the two addons is best. We have compiled a list of 5 must have WoW Addons that are sure to add enjoyment to your gaming experience. Features: allows the quest tracker to be moved wherever you please quest tracker will collapse in whichever direction it's anchored to (just up or down in WoD currently) energy tick tracking for druids and rogues. It lets you set a max size, and you can also use filters. Not sure what these specific mods are, but you can very easily recreate the same thing with WeakAuras. My quest log appears on the left of my screen, and I cannot move it.